Tiki for two
Hark ye the tale of the Deep Six Bowl: a barrel of fine old rum en route from Boston to London in the year of our lord 1821, until a nor’easter sent it and all hands to Davy Jones’ Locker. There it fell prey to the denizens of the deep, including two ardent octopi who drank more than their fill and whose mortal remains have since sat for two centuries astride their beloved barrel.
Now Cocktail Kingdom has dredged it up and charged ceramicist Cass McClure with fashioning it into a communal vessel that is sure to make your next shared drink a tentacular success.
Speaking of shared drinks, here’s a new recipe that the Bum created especially for the Deep Six Bowl. With six ingredients guaranteed to make a bottom-feeder out of you:
4 oz Coruba or Myers’s dark Jamaican rum
1 oz Hamilton 151-proof Demerara rum
2 oz fresh lime juice
2 oz pineapple juice
2 1/2 oz Latitude 29 Formula falernum
1 1/4 oz allspice dram
Shake with ice cubes. Pour into Deep Six Bowl. Add more ice to fill. Serve with long straws, resting in straw notches on lip of bowl. Garnish with mint.
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