Beachbum Berry’s Total Tiki
(for iPhone & iPad)
A unique recipe database of over 250 great exotic drinks and Tiki cocktails, Beachbum Berry’s Total Tiki is now available for your iPad and iPhone. Total Tiki offers more than 100 new recipes in addition to those of its immediate predecessor, Beachbum Berry’s Tiki+, which was one of the most consistently highly-rated apps in the App Store. An all-new app, Total Tiki was designed from scratch by tech wizard and classic cocktail authority Martin Doudoroff to wring even more value from this celebrated material. Martin has grouped related recipes in chronological sets, showing the evolution of various drink ideas over the years. Total Tiki also delivers the most-requested feature of its predecessor: this app will help you find the drinks you can make with the ingredients you have on hand, and show you the ingredients you may want to acquire next to widen your repertoire. In addition, Total Tiki delivers an easy-to-master but very sophisticated interface for finding recipes that meet various criteria. This app is a practical tool, meant for frequent use, that does everything for you but shake your drink. Just ask The Wall Street Journal.

This authoritative collection of historical recipes is the product of 25 years of scholarly research. Many of the drinks—including those from Don the Beachcomber, Trader Vic, and some of the lesser-known luminaries of exotic cocktail history—would have been lost forever if not for the Beachbum’s diligent digging. Every recipe featured on the app has been obsessed over, tested, and calibrated for your use. Spanning 80 years of exotics, Total Tiki’s comprehensive collection includes everything from classics like the Mai Tai, Scorpion and Zombie to scores of obscure but brilliant concoctions from the 1940s-70s. In addition, the Bum has included contemporary formulations that point the way to the future for this entire category. In fact, Total Tiki collects nearly all the exotic drinks the Bum has documented over the years into one convenient, digital reference—fully illustrated with vintage drink photos and art, in high-res color for all you iPad owners.
And if you don’t have an iPad, fear not: Total Tiki is a universal app; buy once for all your iOS devices. The app requires iOS 7 or later, and is functionally identical on both iPhone and iPad. Martin and the Bum are offering this app for only US$12.99. To get all of the app’s recipes in book form, you’d have to spend over $60 for Beachbum Berry Remixed, Beachbum Berry’s Sippin’ Safari and Beachbum Berry’s Taboo Table. (Not that you shouldn’t also do that, of course.)